After a semester.. im pretty fortunate to have a little gap of a little under 2 weeks of no classes before the new semester starts.
And now.. i've finally spring cleaned the room... and did the laundry only to have my maths fail me... laundry closes at 2200 hours.. at a glance i thought it was 11pm.. so now ..all my laundry esp my bed and pillowsheets will be stuck there for the night..
I should be doing certain things too but im just not getting round to it: like reading up more, getting my CV done up, group assignments, gahh..
Instead of doing those... i did this instead:

My fingers almost fell off in the process... and halfway through my friend and i threw ice shavings over ourselves and made snow ball then went to the other room and knocked on the door...
"It's Snowing!! Look!!! " *shows "snow" on hair and shirt and the snowball*
...that didn't work...
Must be pretty sad to end up doing that and all...
maybe it's because suddenly i realise that... for the first time.... like ever... i'm going to miss reunion dinner...
even all "reunion" dinners/lunch here is not going to make up for it... i mean... whats the point of it without the actual "reunion" ?? hmmm... ahh well more excuse to fei-low ship ... gluttony madness tomorrow...