Sunday, July 27, 2008

and the cow rolled across the street hence..

The door creeks open as i stepped into the room. Abandoned and neglected, it was left in a corner amongst the cobwebs. I brushed off the layer of dust on it, and fired it up..

it coughed, and died.

i fired it up once more..

it coughed again and then sputtered to life..

I smiled as it looked at me.

Then it smacked me.

"About time ya lazy scumbag!"

It kicked me.

And i kicked it back.

How fun.

*Better late than never..*

"...Welcome back."

I could not resist, so i kicked it once more XD

it's fun to abuse your blog sometimes, and besides, it could use a little kick or two to get it started again..

maybe three..

or four..