Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fireworks, Fever-Cough-Sorethroat, and Fantastic Cooking

The past couple of days i've been wondering.. why there are fireworks just outside my window about 500m away..

.. Then it happened the next day..

and the next..

and the following day..

It wasn't till today till i saw the full show from the comforts of my room - or rather discomfort at being sick.

Videos to be found in the album link below.. 1st one being one of the practice run and the other the actual run of it.. nice although the camera can't really capture the fireworks display to full effect (like the onee that go in the air and spins out fireworks like a cosmic quasar, a sight to behold, and i only started recording like about 2 minutes into the show which also caused ALOT of smoke..)

Album link here for the videos

[Update] Sorry something went bonkers with the video edit (no not like the Beijing olympics where i put in the fake fireworks =P) and the quality isn't that good, i had to edit it as i could not upload too big a file size so i had to cut it down..

I'm sick... and i hate it... being bed ridden most of the weekend if not all... not sure if this adds to my previous health worries earlier in the previous week. I'm fighting my way through! with an arsenal of cough mixture, listerine (to replace my throat gargle), panadol, strepsils, multi-vitamins, my inhaler... taking it all in one go might be overdose? I think i got sick from this plague-like-sickness thats going after most of the Hope Fellowship people and then... being in an enclosed room with 1/3 of the population in there coughing away while you're feeling rather weak that day is a recipe for disaster.

And, I'm in a race to:

1) Start on my assignments already =/

2) Get fit for this coming wednesday - The first league game for "Rough Diamonds" (cough cough.. not my idea.. but we had no name up till the point of submitting the forms and a name had to be thought up... ok i'll stop justifying it now. We'll be competing in the University Intra-Mural league ( which means a reject league for those who didn't make the uni team... *cough*
i mean people who want to play football but within the uni enviroment on a casual basis- wait i don't see where casual comes in here... it's going to be tackles flying in and all...) Gah, i feel like my sickness is undoing all the effort i've tried to finally break into the starting line-up albeit at left-back or even stand-in keeper as our keeper did his shoulder.

3) Race to start collecting all the money for the tickets for the Arsenal games-Loan Shark style..


Meanwhile, i have to take cooking lessons from this Thai girl, my word... Tom Yam, Padprik, western food you name it... it looks like it came out from a menu of an expensive restaurant.. I think i'll have to pay her to do catering... Everytime she cooks while we're in the kitchen, Atifi and I cast an envious look across... drooling ... lol!

The Lovely cooking

My fantastic culinary skills are...*cough* i mean hers..

Atifi giving the certified thumbs up of approval-TM

Arsenal Stuff i got in the mail.. all together 10 tickets =D

The Membership Card

The Carling Cup Ticket

The Champions League Ticket

Fuuhh... I know it's a bad time to go watch Arsenal now... but it shows im a TRUE GOONER =P
(Actually i've already bought the tickets wanna coverline)

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