Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello... Goodbye

This just to say i'm alive and.. not so well..

i've put some things behind me in 2008... some of which literally... they say u lose some and gain some... i've lost 100pounds worth of stuff, gained a virus.. hardly fair trade ... =/

I've been bumming most of my holidays, and now am going to face the oncoming storm of deadlines, books, notes, and... that it i think...

i'll get back once i get to the other side of the storm.

or if i find something amusing to say...

Like how i look like mason each day i don't get a hair cut... actually thats pretty cool... Mason how do you style your hair ?

.. and you know you're crazy when you're talking to your dog... which is thousands of miles away and worse when your hair is starting to look like his...

1 comment:

PEPITO said...

i am experiencing the storm right now with my coming exams!looking forward to your next post once you get through your storm..LOL